
Zaika, Yury V. List of main publications

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Publications in 2013-2018 (total 39)
  1. Zaika Yu.V., Kostikova E.K. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. V. 39, Iss. 28. Elsevier. 2014. P. 15819–15826 (Web of Science, Scopus, RSCI, Google Scholar)
  2. Zaika Yu.V., Kostikova E.K. Advances in Materials Science and Applications. V. 3, Iss. 3. World Acad. Publishing. 2014. Pp. 120-129 (RSCI)
  3. Zaika Yu.V., Kostikova E.K. Advances in Materials Science and Applications. V. 3, Iss. 2. World Acad. Publishing. 2014. Pp. 82-96
  4. Заика Ю.В., Костикова Е.К. Компьютерные исследования и моделирование. № 5. 2014. C. 679-703
  5. Hydrogen-solid boundary-value problems with dynamical conditions on surface
    Zaika Yu.V., Rodchenkova N.I. Mathematical Modelling. Nova Science Publishers. New York. 2013. Pp. 269-302 (Scopus, RSCI, Google Scholar)
  6. Hydrogen-solid boundary-value problems with free phase transition interface
    Zaika Yu.V., Rodchenkova N.I. Mathematical Modelling. Nova Science Publishers. New York. 2013. Pp. 303-349 (Scopus, RSCI, Google Scholar)
  7. Заика Ю.В. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН. 2013. 505 с. (RSCI)

Zaika, Yury V.