
Gromtsev, Andrey N. List of publications

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Publications in 2013-2018 (total 64)
  1. Громцев А.Н. Роль науки в решении проблем региона и страны: фундаментальные и прикладные исследования. Материалы Всероссийской научной конференции с международным участием, посвященной 70-летию КарНЦ РАН (г. Петрозаводск, 24–27 мая 2016 г.). Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН. 2016. C. 12-15
  2. Роль Водлозерского национального парка в сохранении биологического разнообразия таежных лесов Евразии (материалы международного проекта)
  3. 1. Study area, main research methods and materials
  4. 2. General characteristics of the region
    Gromtsev A.N., Karpin V.A. Forests and Their Multipurpose Use in the North-West Of the Borealzone of European Russia. Petrozavodsk. 2015. C. 14-22 (in Russian)
  5. 3. Post-glacial development of the forest cover
  6. 4.1. Major traditional natures uses
  7. 4.2. Traditional forest use scenarios
    Gromtsev A.N., Karpin V.A., Levina M.S., Petrov N.V., Tujunen A.V. Forests and Their Multipurpose Use in the North-West Of the Borealzone of European Russia. Petrozavodsk. 2015. C. 36-43 (in Russian)
  8. 5. Primary and secondary forests in different succession seres
  9. 6. Present-day status of forests and situation in forest management
    Gromtsev A.N., Presnuhin J.V. Forests and Their Multipurpose Use in the North-West Of the Borealzone of European Russia. Petrozavodsk. 2015. C. 52-60 (in Russian)
  10. 7.1. Percent forest cover
  11. 7.2 .Composition
  12. 7.3. Production and productivity
  13. 7.4. Age structure
  14. 7.5. Biodiversity at the species and community levels
    Gromtsev A.N., Kravchenko A.V., Kurhinen J.P., Sazonov S.V. Forests and Their Multipurpose Use in the North-West Of the Borealzone of European Russia. Petrozavodsk. 2015. C. 76-90 (in Russian)
  15. 8.1. Timber
    Gromtsev A.N., Presnuhin J.V. Forests and Their Multipurpose Use in the North-West Of the Borealzone of European Russia. Petrozavodsk. 2015. C. 91-96 (in Russian)

Gromtsev, Andrey N.