
Robonen, Elena List of publications

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Publications in 2019-2023 (total 17)
  1. Перспективы биотехнологии обогащения древесной зелени хвойных L-аргинином и ингибиторами его катаболизма
    Робонен Е.В., Чернобровкина Н.П., Чернышенко О.В., Зайцева М.И., Унжаков А.Р., Егорова А.В. L-arginine and inhibitors of its catabolism: perspectives of biotechnology of enrichment of wood greenery. №1. 2019. C. 23-37. DOI: 10.14258/jcprm.2019014243 (Scopus, RSCI, RSCI (WS))
  2. The Technique of Water Extract Preparation from Goat Willow Leaves with Allowance for Circadian Rhythm of Their Biological Activity to Stimulate Scots Pine Seed Germination
    Egorova, A. V.; Chernobrovkina, N. P.; Robonen, E. V.; M. I. Zaytseva. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology. Т. 67. № 6. 2019. C. 394. DOI: 10.1134/S1021443719040034 (in Russian) (Web of Science, RSCI)

Robonen, Elena