
Scientific publications

С.Ф. Комулайнен.
Влияние скорости течения на структуру, распространение и сукцессию фитоперифитона в реках
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 6. Сер. Экологические исследования. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2013. C. 91-95
Keywords: phytoperiphyton, structure, rivers, current velocity.
The results of studies on the diversity and spatial distribution patterns of phytoperiphyton, and their relationships to the current velocity are presented. Phytoperiphyton assemblages were sampled in three Karelian rivers (Lososinka, Sjapsa and Lihzma). Phytoperiphyton analysis included identification of the taxa, determination of algal abundances, and biomass estimation based on chlorophyll content.

trudy_2013_6_091-95.pdf (225 Kb, total downloads: 195)

Last modified: January 11, 2014