
Scientific publications

О.И. Вандыш, А.А. Черепанов, Н.А. Кашулин, Д.Б. Денисов.
Влияние стоков горнорудного производства на зоопланктонное сообщество губы Белой озера Имандра
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 1. Сер. Экологические исследования. 2015. C. 48-62
O.I. Vandysh, A.A. Cherepanov, N.A. Kashulin, D.B. Denisov. The influence of mining production wastewater on zooplankton community in Belaya Bay of Lake Imandra // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 1. Ecological Studies Series. 2015. Pp. 48-62
Keywords: Lake Imandra; Zooplankton; informative indices of a community; Monitoring; Eutrophication; Waste water; Mining enterprises
Structural features of zooplankton community in Belaya Bay of Lake Imandra, exposed to a long-term influence of wastewater from apatite-nepheline production, are revealed, and the assessment of current environmental state is given for this part of the water body. The obtained results complete the knowledge of hydrobionts response to mining production wastewater, and open up an opportunity for using zooplankton as a reliable indicator of the given type of human impact.
Last modified: March 9, 2015