
Scientific publications

С.А. Валькова, Д.Б. Денисов, П.М. Терентьев, О.И. Вандыш, Н.А. Кашулин.
Гидробиологическая характеристика некоторых малых озер зоны северной тайги (Кольский полуостров)
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 4. Сер. Биогеография. 2015. C. 79-93
S.А. Valkova, D.B. Denisov, P.М. Terentyev, О.I. Vandysh, N.А. Kashulin. Hydrobiological characteristics of some small lakes in the northern taiga zone (Kola Peninsula) // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 4. Biogeography. 2015. Pp. 79-93
Keywords: Kola Peninsula; small lakes; northern taiga; phytoplankton; zooplankton; zoobenthos; fish fauna
The paper summarizes the results of integrated study of current state of freshwater biota of small water bodies, located in the area of ‘Fedorova tundra’ intrusion. A list of species composition is given, quantitative and structural indicators of phytoplankton, zooplankton, zoobenthos and fish are assessed. Size-weight, age and sex structure of dominant ichthyofauna are estimated. The obtained results can be used as the reference values for further monitoring of the ecological status of the water bodies.
Last modified: May 18, 2015