
Scientific publications

Т.В. Сапелко, В.В. Колька, В.Я. Евзеров.
Динамика природной среды и развития озер в позднем плейстоцене и голоцене на южном берегу Кольского полуострова (район пос. Умба)
Keywords: lake sediments, lakes, paleolimnology, pollen analysis, lithology, Late Pleistocene-Holocene, Kola Peninsula
New results of pollen analysis for a lake in the Umba River catchment (southern Kola Peninsula) are presented. The lake was surveyed within a study of lake sediments carried out to determine the relative White Sea shore displacements in the Late Glacial and Holocene. In addition to palynological results, data of lithological and radiocarbon analyses are provided. The results obtained in this study were compared with data on previously studied lakes near the village of Umba. The new paleolimnological data helped to trace the dynamics of the lakes and the palaeo-environment of the micro-region on the southern coast of the Kola Peninsula.
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Last modified: February 2, 2016