
Scientific publications

Г.А. Борисов, Т.П. Тихомирова.
Задачи и методы максимального увеличения ресурса изоляции силовых трансформаторов
G.A. Borisov, T.P. Tikhomirova. Tasks and methods for maximizing the insulation resource of power transformers // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 10. Mathematical Modeling and Information Technologies. 2015. Pp. 24-27
Keywords: insulation service life; load stabilization; load factor
The dependence of transformer service life on the load has been substantiated. Relying thereon, the problem for maximizing the sum of service lives of insulation on transformers in parallel operation and, as a specific case, on a single transformer, has been formulated. It is proved that a maximum will be achieved if the load is completely stabilized over time.
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Last modified: November 6, 2015