
Scientific publications

Руоколайнен А.В., Коткова В.М.
Новые и редкие для Республики Карелия виды афиллофоровых грибов (Basidiomycota)
Ruokolainen A.V., Kotkova V.M. New and Rare for the Republic of Karelia Species of Aphyllophoroid Fungi (Basidiomycota) // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 3. Biogeography. 2016. Pp. 90-96
Keywords: aphyllophoroid fungi; biodiversity; mycobiota; Republic of Karelia; rare species
Four species of aphyllophoroid fungi (Amylocorticiellum molle (Fr.) Spirin et Zmitr., Cristinia helvetica (Pers.) Parmasto, Trechispora kavinioides B. de Vries, Typhula lutescens Bourdot.) were recorded for the first time for the Republic of Karelia. Trechispora kavinioides is new also for Russia. New locations have been detected for 16 species previously known from the Republic as singular findings, including Protomerulius caryae (Schwein) Ryvarden, which is listed in the Red Data Book of the Republic of Karelia (2007). Data on the localities, habitats and substrates are reported for each of these species.
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Last modified: August 19, 2016