
Scientific publications

И.В. Курбатова, Л.В. Топчиева, В.А. Корнева.
Уровень циркулирующего тестостерона и липидный спектр плазмы крови у мужчин с эссенциальной артериальной гипертензией, носителей генотипа GG по полиморфному маркеру -257T>G гена CLOCK
I.V. Kurbatova, L.V. Topchieva, V.A. Korneva. The level of circulating testosterone and the blood-plasma lipid profile in men with essential hypertension, carriers of GG genotype in relation to the -257T>G polymorphic marker of the CLOCK gene // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 6. Experimental biology. 2016. Pp. 39-48
Keywords: testosterone; essential hypertension; -257T>G polymorphic marker of the CLOCK gene; plasma lipids
We have previously established the connection of the -257T>G (rs4865010) polymorphic marker of the CLOCK gene with the risk of essential hypertension (EH) (stage I–II, grade1–2) and coronary artery disease (acute myocardial infarction). This polymorphic marker is a single nucleotide substitution of thymine with guanine in the CLOCK gene promoter. It has been shown that men, carriers of GG genotype for this marker, had a significantly higher risk of EH. Based on the literature and our own research, we assumed that one of the possible mechanisms behind the increased risk of EH in men with GG genotype according to the -257T>G polymorphic marker of the CLOCK gene is a decrease in testosterone levels in blood, which, according to the literature, may be associated with changes in lipid profiles. Therefore, we carried out a comparative analysis of the levels of circulating testosterone and blood-plasma lipoproteins in men with different genotypes in relation to the -257T>G polymorphic marker (rs4865010) of the CLOCK gene from the group of patients diagnosed with EH (stages I–II, grade 1–2) and the control group. It was shown that men with EH, carriers of GG genotype in relation to the -257T>G polymorphic marker of the CLOCK gene, have testosterone levels corresponding to androgen-deficient state, which at present is considered to be a risk factor for cardiovascular complications. It was revealed that the reduced level of circulating testosterone in men with this genotype is associated with a reduced level of the anti-atherogenic plasma lipid fraction (HDL–C).
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Last modified: October 15, 2016