
Scientific publications

А.П. Серегин.
Дополнения и поправки к 11 -му изданию «Флоры...» П. Ф. Маевского (2014) по Владимирской области
A.P. Seregin. Additions and Corrections to the 11th Edition of the "Flora..." By P. F. Mayevsky (2014) for the Vladimir Region // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 7. Biogeography. 2016. Pp. 40-50
Keywords: flra; vascular plants; new records; Central Russia; book review; flristic studies
Records of 103 vascular plants species from the Vladimir Region published before 2013 are missing from the 11th edition of the "Flora of the Central Part of European Russia" by P. F. Mayevsky (2014). Additional 21 species were discovered in the region recently. Thirty eight species are reported for the Vladimir Region erroneously. At least 12 species known in the Vladimir Region are completely missing from the "Flora..." Dianthus plumarius L., Phytolacca acinosa Roxb., Oenothera pilosella Raf., Vicia articulata Hornem., Tropaeolum majus L., Leucanthemum subalpinum (Schur) Tzvelev, Monarda didyma L., Glycine soja Sieb. et Zucc., Inula racemosa Hook. f., Tagetes erecta L., Tagetes patula L., Ricinus communis L. A list of additions based upon specimens and published references is presented.
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Last modified: July 7, 2016