
Scientific publications

А.В. Соколов, А.М. Сазонов, Е.В. Морозов, Р.С. Некрасова, Р.В. Разумчик.
Математические модели и алгоритмы оптимального управления FIFO-очередями в общей памяти
A.V. Sokolov, A.M. Sazonov, E.V. Morozov, R.S. Nekrasova, R.V. Razumchik. Mathematical models and algorithms for the optimal control of FIFO-queues in shared memory // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 8. Mathematical Modeling and Information Technologies. 2016. Pp. 98-107
Keywords: FIFO-queues; queuing theory; discrete time; optimal partition of the shared memory
The paper deals with the problems of optimal partition of shared memory for two and arbitrary number of queues in discrete time. Mathematical models and algorithms for the optimal partition of memory between queues, minimizing data loss, are presented.
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Last modified: September 15, 2016