
Scientific publications

А.В. Сабылина.
Поступление в онежское озеро органического углерода, общего фосфора и общего азота с речным стоком и вынос с водами р. Свири в 1965–2008 годах
A.V. Sabylina. Organic carbon, total phosphorus and total nitrogen inflow to lake Onego with stream runoff, and their removal by Svir river waters in 1965–2008 // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 9. Limnology. 2016. Pp. 68-77
Keywords: catchment; organic carbon; nitrogen compounds; total phosphorus; natural waters
The inflow of organic carbon, nitrogen compounds and total phosphorus with runoff to Lake Onego during the last 50 years was estimated. The main factors causing changes in their influx to the lake were identified.
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Last modified: October 16, 2016