
Scientific publications

Е.М. Зубова, Н.А. Кашулин, П.М. Терентьев.
К методике расчисления темпа роста сига Сoregonus lavaretus (L.) водоемов Северной Фенноскандии
E.M. Zubova, N.A. Kashulin, P.M. Terentjev. Go to the method of growth rate baсk-calculation of whitefish Coregonus lavaretus (L.) in reservoirs of Northern Fennoscandia // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 9. Limnology. 2016. Pp. 78-89
whitefish Сoregonus lavaretus (L.); lake Imandra; lakes of Pasvik river system; scale; back-calculated length
For different morphs of whitefish in waters of the Murmansk region morphological detailed analysis of the recording and mineralized structures (scale) have been conducted, and the method of length back-calculation of the fish on the scale have been optimized. This paper shows irregularity of relative growth of different scale sectors throughout the life of the fish at constant scale form. Anterior diagonal radius of the scale is recommended for back-calculations of fish body length.
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Last modified: October 18, 2016