
Scientific publications

В.Н. Лебедев, Г.А. Воробейков.
Особенности продуктивности растений семейства Brassicaceae при инокуляции семян бактериальными препаратами
V.N. Lebedev, G.A. Vorobeikov. Productivity of Brassicaceae plants inoculated with bacterial preparations // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 12. Experimental biology. 2017. Pp. 80-86
Keywords: Plant growth promoting zhizobacteria (PGPR); associative rhizobacteria; inoculation; germinating capacity; growth; productivity; mineral nutrition
A long-term study was carried out at the Herzen State Pedagogical University’s Biological Research Station in the Leningrad Region, Russia. The article presents the data analysis aimed at selecting efficient associative strains for a variety of economically valuable Brassicaceae plants. The selected strains increase plant biomass. The best results are obtained when using the following bacterial preparations: mizorin (Arthrobacter mysorens, strain 7) and flavobacterin (Flavobacterium sp., strain L 30).
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Last modified: January 4, 2018