
Scientific publications

М.А. Фадеева.
К флоре лишайников болот и заболоченных лесов Карельского берега Белого моря
// Болотные экосистемы севера Европы: разнообразие, динамика, углеродный баланс, ресурсы и охрана. Материалы международного симпозиума (Петрозаводск, 30 августа – 2 сентября 2005 г.). Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2006. C. 248-255
M.A. Fadeeva. On the lichen flora of mires and paludified forests on the White Sea Karelian coast // Mire Ecosystems in Northern Europe: Diversity, Dynamics, Carbon Balance, Resources and Conservation. Proceedings of International Symposium (Petrozavodsk: August 30 – September 2, 2005). Petrozavodsk, 2006. Pp. 248-255
The paper reports the results of a specialized study of the species composition of ground-dwelling lichens from mires of the White Sea coast (Is. Syrovatka area, Kem district and vil. Sonostrov area, Louhi district, Karelia).
An oligotrophic mire, a dystrophic mire and the sphagnum margin of an aapa mire yielded 28 species, subspecies and forms of lichens. Open mires hosted 5-14, the treed mire - 18 lichen species. Six lichen species were collected from the paludified pine forest near Syrovatka, of which two: Cladonia maxima and Nephroma arcticum, did not occur in mires.
The most common lichens in mires on the White Sea coast are species of the "reindeer moss" group (Cladonia arbuscula, C. rangiferina, C. stellaris, C. stygia, Cetraria islandica, C. ericetorum) and 2 crustose lichen species Icmadophila ericetorum and Ochrolechia frigida. The species specific to open mires are Cetrariella delisei, Flavocetraria nivalis, Ochrolechia frigida, and possibly Cladonia squamosa.
The author admits that the lichen species composition recorded in the present study is not at all exhaustive of the floral diversity of lichens in mires of the Karelian White Sea coast.
Last modified: December 27, 2006