Scientific publications
О.В. Дмитриева, Т.Б. Баскова, Л.И. Фрадкова.
Эффективная форма экологического просвещения и воспитания школьников на примере Карельского эколого-ландшафтного лагеря «Тунтури»
// Водная среда: комплексный подход к изучению, охране и использованию. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2008. C. 71-83
Information about establishment and activities of the landscape camp "Tunturi" the Geography Chair of the Karelian State Pedagogical University and Petrozavodsk Lyceum No 40 organized for schoolchildren and students in the Paanajдrvi National Park in 1998 is provided. The camp programme implied that schoolchildren and students carried out scientific research. A distinctive feature of the camp is establishment of a short-term multi-age team where schoolchildren, students, university professors, researchers from Karelian Research Centre and NP staff closely cooperate. It is proven that such working format is essential for environmental education of and awareness-raising among the young generation.
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Last modified: December 17, 2008