
Scientific publications

Ю.А. Шустов, А.Е. Веселов.
Питание и рост молоди озерной кумжи Salmo trutta L. morpha lacustris в водоемах национального парка «Паанаярви»
// Экология. Экспериментальная генетика и физиология. Труды КарНЦ РАН. Выпуск 11. Петрозаводск, 2007. C. 142-146
Feeding and growth of young salmon trout Salmo trutta L. morpha lacustris have been studied in brooks, rivers and lakes in Paanajarvi National Park. In the rivers on the rapids and rifts basic food is aerial and terrestrial insects as well as amphibian insects on adult stages. In lakes food spectrum is broadened by zooplankton and freshwater shrimps Gammarus sp. Parrs of salmon trout (3+) from the River Olanga that inhabit upper rapids are significantly bigger compared to fish from lakes and small rivers.

Trudy-KRC-Ussue-11_142-146.pdf (316 Kb, total downloads: 331)

Last modified: March 6, 2009