
Scientific publications

Л.В. Кулешевич, Н.Ю. Ларькина, И.С. Инина.
Минералы железа в коллекции музея геологии докембрия: лимонитовые и гематитовые руды Карелии
// Геология и полезные ископаемые Карелии. Вып. 13. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2010. C. 131–138
L.V. Kuleshevich, N.Yu. Larkina, I.S. Inina. Iron minerals in the collection of the Museum of Precambrian Geology: Karelian limonite and hematite ores // Geology and useful minerals of Karelia. Issue 13. А.I. Golubev, O.I. Volodichev, 2010. P. 131–138
Karelian iron ores are represented by various ore formations and mineral (magnetitic, hematitic and limonitic) types. Various morphological types of limonite and hematite ores were studied. High-Mn assemblages (wads) that provide their natural alloyed composition were revealed among crustal bog-lake ores. Hematite of Tulomozero (banded and streakyquartz) ferric oxide ores contains no impurities. Acicular “onegite” crystals, found in the Velikaya Guba area, fill cavities in quartz. The mineral is low temperature iron hydroxide. X-ray data show that it is goethite.

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Last modified: December 5, 2010