
Scientific publications

А.В. Леонов.
Биотрансформация и круговорот органогенных веществ в экосистеме Белого моря: оценка на основе математического моделирования
// Проблемы изучения, рационального использования и охраны ресурсов Белого моря. Материалы IX международной конференции 11-14 октября 2004 г., Петрозаводск, Карелия, Россия. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2005. C. 196-203
А.V. Leonov. Biotransformation and turnover of organogenic substances in the White Sea ecosystem: assessment on the base of mathematical modeling // The study, sustainable use and conservation of natural resources od the White sea. Proceedings of the IXth international conference October, 11-14, 2004, Petrozavodsk, Karelia, Russia, 2005. Pp. 196-203
Methodology of a system analysis and mathematical modeling was used for the generalization of accumulated data on the hydrology, hydrochemistry and hydrobiology of the White Sea to understand better the biohydrochemical conditions in the transformation of organic and biogenic substances in 8 marine areas. The hydroecological model was used in this study. It describes the transformations of organic and mineral substances of N, P and Si, as well as dissolved organic C and О2 by biological community (heterotrophic bacteria, three groups of phytoplankton, two groups of zooplankton, and macrophytes). Water flows between areas were estimated with the help of hydrodynamic model. Intra-annual dynamics of chemical and biological compartments in different marine areas was computed on the collected long-term data defining seasonal changes of water temperature, light intensity, water transparency as well as flow rates in river mouths and nutrient concentrations in river water entering into the certain area of the sea. The emphasis was made on the verification of the simulation results to the field observations, the analysis of simulation results to reveal the peculiarity in the biomass development, the turnover time of biomass and chemical compartments (organic and mineral ones). Specific attention was given to the evaluation of balances for dissolved and particulate organic substances of N and P, and these balances were composed for each water area and for the whole sea.

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Last modified: May 31, 2012