
Scientific publications

Д.Н. Морозов, Л.М. Зекина, Р.У. Высоцкая.
Состав желчных кислот наваги в условиях разной солености
// Проблемы изучения, рационального использования и охраны ресурсов Белого моря. Материалы IX международной конференции 11-14 октября 2004 г., Петрозаводск, Карелия, Россия. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2005. C. 231-233
D.N. Morozov, L.M. Zekina & R.U. Vysotskaya. Bile acids content in Eleginus navaga under different salinity conditions // The study, sustainable use and conservation of natural resources od the White sea. Proceedings of the IXth international conference October, 11-14, 2004, Petrozavodsk, Karelia, Russia, 2005. Pp. 231-233
The bile acids content of bile in Eleginus navaga cought in two areas of the White Sea with different salinity was studied. There were significant differences in cholic acid content in bile between the areas with low salinity (the mouth of river Kem) (10-24o/oо) and high salinity (open sea) (about 25o/oo). The cholic acid content in bile was higher in the area with low salinity. Males were more sensitive to low salinity than females. The use of bile acids content as one of the indices of biochemical adaptation to salinity is discussed.

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Last modified: May 31, 2012