
Scientific publications

М.Г. Рябинкина, Т.П. Куликова, Л.П. Рыжков.
Зоопланктон водоемов бассейна Северной Ладоги
M.G. Ryabinkina, T.P. Kulikova, L.P. Ryzhkov. Zooplankton in the Northern lake Ladoga catchment // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 1. Biogeography. 2012. Pp. 113-125
Keywords: Lake-river systems, zooplankton, species composition, abundance, biomass.
The results of long term studies of zooplankton in waterbodies in the catchment of Northern Ladoga (38 lakes and 19 rivers) are summarized. The total list of species comprising 129 taxa of various crustaceans and rotifers, which are widespread in the Karelian region, is provided. Qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the plankton fauna in each of the reservoirs are reported

trudy_2012_01_113-125.pdf (618 Kb, total downloads: 540)

Last modified: April 6, 2012