Scientific activities

Water-ecological resources of RK. Some important hydro-ecological problems of the region

  • Introduction
  • Some important hydro-ecological problems
  • Climate of Karelia
  • Surface water quality
  • Ground water quality
  • Ecological Data Bases
  • Executors of the project

  • The most significant hydro-ecological problems today are related to:
  • the effect of natural and man-made climate changes on the water ecosystems of the North;
  • acidification of waterbodies and estimation of their stability, buffer capacity;
  • eutrophication and toxic effects on the hydrobios of the largest European lakes - Onego and Ladoga;
  • effects of sewage on water systems. Of primary importance is the study of the effects of sewage from the pulp-and-paper industry on the largest European lakes and on some other waterbodies of Karelia (Vygozero, Suojarvi), and the effects of discharges (particularly potassium supplies) from the Kostomuksha ore-dressing mill tailings dump on the water system;
  • the status of the White Sea, particularly Karelian coastal zone, selection of the sites most suitable for mariculture;
  • wider use of ground waters (which are better protected from human impact than the surface waters) for drinking water supplies to the Republic regarding the acuteness of the problem of providing the population with high-quality drinking water which would satisfy national standards for drinking water;
  • wider use of mineral waters and medicinal muds for balneological purposes. The problem has become pressing in the new geopolitical situation when Russia lost the opportunity to use resorts in the Baltic states and Ukraine in the same volumes as before;
  • study of the biodiversity of water systems (first of all in along the Finnish border (where almost undisturbed natural forests have preserved) under the continuing anthropogenic impact (cutting out of forests, reclamation for forestry and agricultural purposes, pollution);
  • forecasts of the changes in the status of water systems under the effect of the climate change and anthropogenic pressure, etc.;
  • implementation of the problem monitoring with the introduction of promising modern techniques of assessing the state of ecosystems, including remote sensing;
  • study of possible changes in ecosystems resulting from the construction of gas pipelines, new roads, settlements and industries;
  • development of databases, geo-information systems (GIS) on hydro-ecological problems for the northwest Russia and adjacent regions using the unified basis;
  • assessment of the water resource potential, the nature and specific features of its uses under new socio-economic conditions.

  • Water-ecological resources of Republic of Karelia
    Last modified: October 6, 2006