KarRC RAS structure

Laboratory of Hydrochemistry and Hydrogeology

Head: Cand. (PhD) of Techn. Zobkov, Mikhail

Major research trends

  • Study of chemical content of water and bottom sediments in reservoirs of humid zone and it's change under the impact of natural and anthropogenic factors.
  • Development of the scientific basis for chemical monitoring of natural water bodies.
  • Study of acidification and eutrophication in natural reservoirs.
  • Experiments to define main causes of sewage water toxicity.
  • Main features of formation and distribution of subterranean waters in Karelia; perspectives of their economical use.
  • Monitoring of subterranean water quality.
  • Staff

    Senior Researcher, Cand. of Geology & Mineralogy, Assistant Professor
    Chesalina, G. L.
    Chief Hydrogeologist
    Ikko, O. I.
    Chief Chemist
    Izgarshev, S. V.
    Leading Chemist
    Kulik, N. V.
    Junior Researcher
    Musatova, E. V.
    Laboratory Research Assistant
    Research Engineer
    Senior Researcher, Cand. (PhD) of Chemistry, Senior Researcher
    Yaroschuk, A. A.
    Leading Chemist
    Zabrodin, D. A.

    Contact information

    Official title: Northern Water Problems Institute of the Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
    Address: Aleksander Nevsky st., 50
    185030 Petrozavodsk,
    Republic of Karelia
    Contact phone(s): +7(8142)57-65-41
    Fax: +7(8142)57-84-64