International workshop "Networking Games and Management"
in Honor of Prof. Vladimir V. Mazalov

March 5-7, 2024, Petrozavodsk, Russia

Russian version

  • Aims of the workshop
  • Scientific program
  • Organizers
  • Program committee
  • Local organizing committee
  • Abstracts and papers submission
  • Location
  • Accommodations
  • Pre-registration
  • Registration fee
  • Important dates
  • Session program
  • Contact address

  • Photos

  • Aims of the workshop

    The workshop is a three-day event in Honor of Prof. Vladimir V. Mazalov (IAMR KarRC RAS) to discuss latest developments in the fields of networking games and management.


  • Institute of Applied Mathematical Research Karelian Research Centre of RAS (IAMR KRC RAS)
  • Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Control Processes Saint-Petersburg State University

  • Program committee

    chair: Leon Petrosjan
    Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia

    Konstantin Avrachenkov
    INRIA, France

    Andrei Gurtov
    Linkoping University, Sweden

    Vladimir Mazalov
    IAMR, Petrozavodsk, Russia

    Evsey Morozov
    IAMR KarRC RAS, Petrozavodsk, Russia

    Dmitry Novikov
    V. A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences RAS, Moscow, Russia

    Elena Parilina
    Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia

    Artem Sedakov
    Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia

    Krzysztof Szajowski
    ISDG, International Society of Dynamic Games

    Alexandr Vasin
    Moscow State University, Russia

    Victor Zakharov
    Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia

    Nikolay Zenkevich
    Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia

    Local organizing committee

    chair: Anna Rettieva
    secretary: Julia Chirkova
    Anna Ivashko, Aleksandr Chirkov

    Abstracts and papers submission

    If you wish to present a talk, please send an extended abstract of the talk (in a LATEX or TEX file) before February 1, 2024 to e-mail: .

    Acceptance of talks will be announced by February 15, 2024.

    Talks will be accepted based upon an extended abstracts or papers of at most 3 pages. Selected accepted papers will appear in issues of "Mathematical Game Theory and its Applications".


    Petrozavodsk, the capital of the Republic of Karelia, is situated on the shores of great and beautiful Onego Lake, 400 km to the North from Saint-Petersburg. The city is the largest University and cultural centre in the North-West Russia.


    The workshop will be organized in the hotel "Dvortsy".

    Preliminary prices in the hotel "Dvortsy"

    Room categoryCount of roomsPrice per night (persons)
    One-place room SINGL 65350 r. (1)
    Two-place room TWIN315550 r. (1), 7550 r. (2)
    Two-place room TWIN-N with a balcony115700 r. (1), 8150 r. (2)
    LUX (2-room number)211100 r. (1), 12950 r. (2)
    3-place room Connect A29600 r. (3)
    4-place room Connect B29900 r. (4)
    4-place cottage А-frame312000 r. (2), 16000 r. (3), 20000 r.(4)


    If you would like to participate please inform us by:

    Include the following information:
    1. Name
    2. Title of talk
    3. Position and work address
    4. Phone/fax No (work and home)
    5. E-mail address
    6. Accompanying persons
    7. Other relevant information if needed

    Registration fee

    The registration fee is 5000 rub by participant and 2500 rub by accompanying person and covers transport costs, coffee breaks, conference dinner.

    The registration fee should be paid by cash in the time of registration.

    Important dates

    - Extended abstracts: February 1, 2024
    - Notification of acceptance: February 15, 2024
    - Arrival day: March 4, 2024
    - Reports: March 5-6, 2024
    - Departure day: March 7, 2024

    Session program

    Mar 5, 2024

    14:00-14:20 Registration of participants

    14:20-14:30 Opening session

    14:30-14:50 Дмитрий А. Новиков "Модели ограниченной рациональности"
    14:50-15:10 Леон А. Петросян, Ярославна Б. Панкратова "Дифференциальные сетевые игры с различными типами поведения игроков"
    15:10-15:30 Vassily N. Kolokoltsov "On the control over the propagation of ticks"
    15:30-15:50 Yuri A. Kochetov "Bilevel Discrete Optimisation: Mathematical Models and Computational Complexity"
    15:50-16:10 Vladimir V. Mazalov "Poker and college admission prolblem"

    16:20-16:50 Coffee break

    16:50-17:10 Александр А. Васин А."Задача оптимизации инфраструктуры рынка электроэнергии с накопителями"
    17:10-17:30 Alexander V. Kolnogorov "UCB strategies in the two-armed bandit problem and optimization of batch data processing"
    17:30-17:50 Николай А. Коргин "Распределенная сеть полигонов для отработки сценариев применения гетерогенных групп транспортных средств с электрическим приводом в сложных климатических и ландшафтных условиях - проблема согласования интересов"
    17:50-18:10 Денис В. Кузютин "О частичной кооперации в многокритериальных динамических играх"
    18:10-18:30 Vassily Yu. Kalachev, Guennady A. Ougolnitsky and Anatoly B. Usov "Control Problems in the Program of Digital Departments"

    Mar 6, 2024

    14:10-14:30 Krzysztof Szajowski "Rational multiple stopping strategies" (online)
    14:30-14:45 Nikolay A. Zenkevich "Coordinating buyback contract in supply chains"
    14:45-15:00 Ping Sun, Elena M. Parilina "Dynamically stable partitions in networks with the costs dependent on neighborhood composition"

    15:00-15:15 Vitalii A. Kochevadov, Artem A. Sedakov "Dynamic models of competition with endogenous network formation: A case of constant output"
    15:15-15:30 Anna V. Tur, Irina V. Marchenko "Differential Cooperative Games on Hypergraphs"
    15:30-15:45 Владислав А. Тайницкий, Елена А. Губар, Ilyass Dahmouni "Влияние информационных потоков на распространение эпидемии"
    15:45-16:00 Vassily N. Kolokoltsov, Dmitri V. Vetchinnikov "On effective fine functions for inspection -corruption games (evolutionary approach) - 2"
    16:00-16:15 Anna N. Rettieva "Cooperation Maintenance in Dynamic Multicriteria Games"

    16:20-16:50 Coffee break

    16:50-17:05 Anna A. Ivashko "Optimal Stopping Strategies in Gambler's Ruin Game"
    17:05-17:20 Julia V. Chirkova "Potential Game in Parallel Transport Network with Symmetric Externalities"

    17:20-17:30 Closing session

    19:00 Conference dinner

    Contact address

    Questions can be directed to e-mail: