February 1, 2017
On January 31, 2017 an extended meeting of KarRC RAS Board of Directors took place, where KarRC RAS Vice-President for Science O. Bakhmet informed the participants in detail about the outcomes of the meeting on re-organization of regional research centres (Krasnoyarsk, January 25-26, 2017).
She stressed that all participants of that meeting (representatives of the Russian Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations and its director M. Kotyukov, members of RAS Presidium with RAS Deputy President and RAS Vice Presidents, as well as representatives of 13 regional research centres) spoke in favor of the re-organization and called for activation of the process in the current year. O. Bakhmet shared her impressions of the work of the recently established (2016) Federal Research Centre (FRC) “Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch RAS”, and answered many questions regarding various aspects of the process of re-organizing RAS regional research centres. The participants came to a consensus that the work towards establishment of FRC Karelian Research Centre RAS which started in 2016 should be continued and completed in 2017.

See also: