
Scientific publications

А.Н. Кириллов, А.М. Сазонов.
Моделирование процесса биологической очистки сточных вод на основе шумпетеровской динамики
// Труды Института системного анализа РАН. Т. 70. вып. 3. 2020.
A.N. Kirillov, A.M. Sazonov. The modeling of the biological wastewater treatment process on the base of the Schumpeterian dynamics // Proceedings of the Institute for Systems Analysis Russian Academy of Sciences. 2020.
Keywords: biological treatment, stability, stabilization, dynamic systems
In the paper the simple model of the biological wastewater sludges treatment system consisting of the aerotank with ideal displacement, the settler and return element developed on the base of the model of the Schumpeterian dynamics. The boundedness of the biomass concentration growth is modeled via the logistic differential equations. The global stability of the equilibrium of this dynamic system is proved, which allows for the prediction of the biological treatment system statement and for control of the system by changing of the return stream velocity.
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Last modified: October 6, 2020