Природа государственного заповедника "Кивач". Труды КарНЦ РАН. Выпуск 10
Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2006.
Proceeding of Karelian Research Centre of RAS. Issue 10. Petrozavodsk: KarRC RAS, 2006.
L.V. Vetchinnikova, T.Yu. Vetchinnikova. Assessment of the curly birch plantings condition on the territory of the "Kivach" nature reserve | 5 |
N.I. Germanova, M.V. Medvedeva. Soil microflora of the "Kivach" nature reserve | 10 |
L.I. Gruzdeva, E.M. Matveeva, T.E. Kovalenko. Soil nematode fauna of different forest types in reserve "Kivach" | 14 |
I.N. Demidov, A.D. Lukashov, V.P. Iljin. Relief of the reserve territory "Kivach" and the geological evolution of the Northwestern Prionezhie at quaternary time | 22 |
N.V. Ilmast, S.P. Kitaev, M.V. Bryazgin, V.N. Pavlov, Ya.A. Kuchko, V.V. Khrennikov. Lake Munozero and its condition | 34 |
V.M. Kotkova, V.I. Krutov, A.V. Ruokolainen. Aphyllophoraceous fungi of the Kivach strict nature reserve | 40 |
A.V. Kravchenko, A.V. Sukhov. On finds of vascular plant species new for the flora of the Kivach strict nature reserve | 52 |
A.M. Kryshen, O.A. Rudkovskaya, Yu.V. Presnuhin, V.V. Timofeeva. Morphostructure of the ground cover in major forest community types in the "kivach" strict nature reserve (middle taiga) | 54 |
N.N. Kutenkova. The new species of the Macrolepidoptera for Karelia collected after 1950 | 63 |
I.B. Kucherov, L.V. Filimonova, S.A. Kutenkov, A.I. Maksimov, T.A. Maksimova. Proportions of species distribution types in vascular floras of "Kivach" reserve forest syntaxa | 71 |
R. Leinonen, G. Soderman and N. Kutenkova. Results from pollinator monitoring in Kivach 1997-1999 | 85 |
P.V. Medvedev. Early proterozoic fossils in the "Kivach" natural resourt | 90 |
A.V. Polevoi. New data on the diptera fauna of Kivach nature reserve | 95 |
E.G. Popov, A.V. Talanov, V.K. Kurets. Ecology-physiological features of some autochthon woody plants and mosses in Karelia | 105 |
S.V. Sazonov. Some data on breeding of the pied flycatcher in the "kivach" strict nature reserve | 111 |
E.A. Solomatova. Forest litters and soils of mature fresh blackberry spruce forests of reserved area "Kivach" | 116 |
N.G. Fedorets, R.M. Morozova, O.N. Bakhmet, A.N. Solodovnikov. Soils and the soil cover of the Kivach stict nature reserve | 131 |
Humala, A.E. On the insect fauna of "Kivach" Nature Reserve | 153 |
I.G. Shaudvitene, V.G. Shevchenko. On the mites gen. Rhyncaphytoptus (Acari, Tetrapodoli) ron bearches in the reserve "Kivach" | 160 |
G.V. Shiltsova. Role of pine coenoses in the "Kivach" strict nature reserve in forming the acidity and composition of natural waters | 173 |
G.V. Shiltsova, V.G. Lastochkina. Effect of pine and birch forest canopy on the chemical composition of precipitation in the "Kivach" reserve | 180 |
M.V. Yakovleva. Rare bird species in Kivach reserve | 185 |
Last modified: January 25, 2008