
Scientific publications

Современные проблемы паразитологии. Труды КарНЦ РАН. Серия "Биогеография". Выпуск 13
Е.П. Иешко, Л.В. Аникиева.
Петрозаводск, 2008. 95 с.
Transactions of the Karelian Research Centre of RAS. Petrozavodsk, 2008. 95 p.

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Articles in proceedings:

К 90-летию Соломона Самуиловича Шульмана - паразитолога, протозоолога, мирового авторитета в области экологической паразитологии3
V.S. Anikanova , S.V. Bugmyrin, E.P. Ieshko. Forestry impact on the helminth fauna of the common shrew (Sorex Araneus L. 1978)5
L.V. Anikieva, J.J. Barskaja. A morphological diversity Cestode Proteocephalus Longicollis (Zeder 1800) in small lakes of the Paanajarvi National Park12
L.V. Anikieva, E.A. Rumjantsev. On the formation and zoogeography of cestode fauna in fishes inhabiting lakes of Karelia17
L.A. Bespyatova, S.V. Bugmyrin, S.G. Medvedev. Fleas (Siphonaptera) of small mammals of Karelia26
S.V. Bugmyrin, L.A. Bespyatova, V.S. Anikanova, E.P. Ieshko. Parasites of small mammals in Friendship Park32
S.V. Bugmyrin, l.Yu. Romanova, l.A. Bespyatova, l.A. Burenkova, Yu.S. Korotkov, E.P. Ieshko, G.G. Karganova. Simultaneous infection of Ixodes Persulcatus with agents of lime’s disease in the Karelia41
T. A. Boutorina, I. Yu. Gorovaya, A. N. Matveev, V. P. Samusenok. Recent parasitological situation and ecological differences between chars in lakes of Northern Transbaikalia45
E.P. Ieshko, V.S. Anikanova, Y.L. Pavlov. Patterns in the distribution of the cestode Ditestolepis diaphana (Cholodkowsky 1906) abundances in common shrew population in Karelia57
Yu.S. Korotkov. Application of the Shelford’s law of tolerance to dynamics of number taiga tick Ixodes persulcatus (Acari: Ixodidae)65
D.I. Lebedeva, E.P. Ieshko. Formation of fish trematoda fauna in lake Ladoga68
O.V. Novokhatskaya, E.P. Ieshko. Fauna of myxosporidian parasites in fishes from lake Syamozero75
E.A. Rumyantsev. To the study of typology of lakes80
A.A. Suschuk, l.I. Gruzdeva, E.P. Ieshko. Effect of heavy metals on plant-parasitic nematodes84
Last modified: April 22, 2009