Scientific publications
Меншуткин В.В.
Искусство моделирования (экология, физиология, эволюция)
Петрозаводск — Санкт-Петербург, 2010. 416 с.
The subject of the book is the technique for designing and studying simulation models in ecology, physiology, evolution, demography, environment, and economics. The book is composed of two parts dealing with the theory and practice of simulation modeling.
The first part briefly introduces the basics of modeling methods, and provides baseline data on the mathematical tools used to develop the models. The book offers descriptions and applications of various mathematical modeling techniques, makes wide use of the “STELLA” software, as well as finite-state and cellular automation, and fuzzy logic
The second part of the book describes the models designed by the author. Their themes are quite diverse. These models of various physiological cycles, populations of fish, aquatic invertebrates, and human being, introduce the reader to the problems of deterministic and stochastic population models. The models represent communities of fish, wolves, deers, wild boars, and the beech forest plant community. In addition to the general theoretical approach, models of ecological systems describe specific natural objects. A special section is devoted to modeling of terrestrial ecosystems. Environmental-economic models are represented. Simulation of the evolutionary process includes micro-volutionary models of fish and aquatic invertebrates, evolution of Baikalian gammarids, and the transition of chordates to land. In this section, different theories of biological evolution are compared through computer experiments. In conclusion, models of scientific development and dynamics of the Earth's biosphere since the emergence of the human race are described.
The monograph is meant for experts in ecology, physiology, evolution and other fields, as well as for graduate and post-graduate students who use or plan to use simulation methods in their studies.
The first part briefly introduces the basics of modeling methods, and provides baseline data on the mathematical tools used to develop the models. The book offers descriptions and applications of various mathematical modeling techniques, makes wide use of the “STELLA” software, as well as finite-state and cellular automation, and fuzzy logic
The second part of the book describes the models designed by the author. Their themes are quite diverse. These models of various physiological cycles, populations of fish, aquatic invertebrates, and human being, introduce the reader to the problems of deterministic and stochastic population models. The models represent communities of fish, wolves, deers, wild boars, and the beech forest plant community. In addition to the general theoretical approach, models of ecological systems describe specific natural objects. A special section is devoted to modeling of terrestrial ecosystems. Environmental-economic models are represented. Simulation of the evolutionary process includes micro-volutionary models of fish and aquatic invertebrates, evolution of Baikalian gammarids, and the transition of chordates to land. In this section, different theories of biological evolution are compared through computer experiments. In conclusion, models of scientific development and dynamics of the Earth's biosphere since the emergence of the human race are described.
The monograph is meant for experts in ecology, physiology, evolution and other fields, as well as for graduate and post-graduate students who use or plan to use simulation methods in their studies.
Model.pdf (8.02 Mb, total downloads: 7235)
Last modified: December 9, 2010