
N. Koroleva, E. Borovichev About liverworts’ habitat in connection with their conservation

N. Koroleva[1], E. Borovichev[2]

[1] - Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute, Kola Science Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, 184250, Kirovsk, Russia. E-mail:
[2] - Institute of North Industrial Ecology Problems Kola Science Centre RAS, 184200,Apatity, Russia. E-mail:

Despite the fact that cryptogams (incl. liverworts) are important component of ecosystems, geobotanical surveys usually include only dominant and easily-identified species, and only occasionally – rare species. Labels of bryological specimens usually include characteristics of micro-habitat, rather than biotope and vegetation characteristic. But conservation of bryophytes is more effective in phytocoenoses where they occur; it is why we need to know about habitat types of the phytocoenose level to protect rare liverworts.
Threatened liverworts species in Murmansk Province occupy various habitats. Stenotopic liverworts, such as Clevea hyalina (Sommerf.) Lindb., Mannia pilosa (Hornem.) Frye et L. Clark, Mesoptychia badensis (Gottsche ex Rabenh.) L. Söderstr. et Váňa, Oleolophozia perssonii (H. Buch & SW Arnell) L. Söderstr., De Roo et Hedd., grow on a calcium-rich rocks, where can be protected, i.e. in the "Kutsa" Regional Reserve (‘zakaznik’) or in the Lapland State Nature Reserve. A number of species occur on decaying wood in old-growth forests, such as Lophozia ascendens (Warnst.) RM Schust., Riccardia palmata (Hedw.) Carruth, Scapania apiculata Spruce. Measures on conservation of virgin forests can also protect these liverworts. Most part of red-listed species (i.e. Sauteria alpina (Nees) Nees) prefers micro-scale destroyed habitats, such as cryogenic cracks, solifluction spots, etc. They form rather extensive and almost closed communities on first stages of succession on bare soil, but decrease in number and get very rare in climax vegetation. Their conservation is possible in tundra areas, where frost action and sloping processes form suitable micro-scale habitats.
Study was partly supported by grant of RFBR 14-04-98810 and grant of RNF 15-14-10023.

Last modified: August 25, 2015