Bolotova N.L. Problems of preservation of northern aquatic ecosystems: natural and legislative aspects
Gromtsev, Andrey Pristine forests in the European part of the Russian boreal zone and their spontaneous dynamics
Dinkelaker N.V. Actual administrative mechanisms of a biological and landscape diversity preservation
Asiya Zagidullina, Natalia Glushkovskaya, Elena Kushnevskaya, Denis Mirin, Vera Kotkova, Natalia Dinkelaker Inventory of biological diversity in pristine boreal forests in the northe
Asiya Zagidullina Preliminary estimation of parameters of big disturbances in pristine forests of northern dvina-mesen landscape province
Efimov, Valery Sub-tundra forists: condition, value, protection
Ilmast N.V., Sterligova O.P. Hydrobionts of the coastal zone in Lake Syamozero (South Karelia)
Komulaynen S.F., Kruglova A.N., Baryshev I.A. Community structure of aquatic organisms as an indicator of the current state of the rivers of the Barents Sea basin
Koroleva I.M. Institute of the North Industrial Ecology Problems of Kola Science Centre
Koroleva N, Borovichev E. About liverworts’ habitat in connection with their conservation
N. Koroleva Habitat Directive needs special group of Tundra (Arctic) habitats
Koroleva N., Kopeina E. Grasslands in the lower flow of Varzuga River (Murmansk Province) as a value habitat types
Kurhinen Juri, Ovaskainen Otso The experience of the international database on taiga ecosystems biological diversity of Northern Europe
Lindholm Tapio Peatlands, climate change mitigation and biodiversity conservation: a Nordic-Baltic perspective.
Luotonen, H. et al. River Koitajoki project in the Green Belt of Fennoscandia
Minin, Aleksandr Spatial peculiarities of phenological reactions of trees to climate change on European territory of Russia
Petrov V.N., Petrova O.V., Koroleva N.E. About efficiency of the of the network of nature conservation protected areas (PA) in the Murmansk region
A.Polevoi Rare insects of Karelia and their habitats
O.O. Predtechenskaya, A.V. Ruokolainen, V.I. Shubin Fungi in the last Red data book of Republic of Karelia (2007)
Sergienko, Luydmila Yu. Habitat types of the coasts of the White and Barents (Murmansk coast) Seas
Sobolev, Nocolai BPAN contribution to the Emerald Network implementation in Russia
Surina, Elena Development of scenarios of adaptation of system of conducting forestry in Arkhangelsk region
Natalia Taksami SIA in resource management: theoretical approach and instrument of policy making
Tervo, Riina Active Trilateral Cooperation in the northernmost part of Green Belt Fennoscandia
Hokkanen, T.J., Pelkonen, P., Nykänen, R., Härkönen, K., Alatossava, S., Hering, F., Tiira, M., Parkkinen, E. & Itkonen, P. Green Belt of Fennoscandia: Regional organisation & action plans in Finland
The 8th International Barents Region Habitat Contact Forum
Last modified: September 30, 2015