Biodiversity of Fennoscandia (diversity, human impact, nature conservation)
Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre of RAS, 1997.
Volkov A.D., Gromtsev A.N. Methodological problems of biodiversity studies | |
V. Vuorio. Landuse explaining landscape | |
K. Yakovlev. Coleoptera associated with polypore fungi in Koitajoki-area | |
V.F. Yudina. The diversity of meadows on the Kizhi and Volkostrov Islands, Karelia | |
T.V. Zhilina. Soil properties spatial variability and it's connection with meadow phytoconosis biological diversity | |
A.P. Tsarev. Methodical approaches to intraspecific diversity study of forest tree species | |
Trenin V.V., Ilinov A.A., Chistyakov B.A. Population studies of conifers in Karelia | |
A.V.Talanov, S.N.Drozdov, V.K.Kurets, E.G.Popov, L.A.Obshatko. Study of the biodiversity of sphagnum mosses by methods of planned multifactorial experiment and mathematical modelling | |
Sonina A.V., Fadeeva M.A. The dynamics of rock lichen associations depending on substrate humidity | |
E.I. Sinkevich. Anthropogenic aspects of disturbances in the diversity of karelian flora | |
Sazonov S.V., Kravchenko A.V. The role of protected nature territories in maintaining biodiversity in Eastern Fennoskandia | |
K. Salovaara. Valuing biodiversity - inventory of some herbs of economical potential in rural villages of North Karelia biosphere reserve in Ilomantsi, Finland | |
E.A. Rumyantsev, E.P. Ieshko, Yu.Yu. Barskaya. To the study of biodiversity of fish parasite fauna in the lake Ladoga basin | |
T.I. Regerand, L.V. Dubrovina. Acidification of water as a factor of influence on water organisms lipid status stability | |
A.A. Prokhorov, E.A. Platonova, T.Y.Dyachkova. Rare plant species and phytocenosises in botanical garden of Petrozavodsk State University | |
E.A. Platonova. The diversity of ecological conditions in ridge landscape of middle taiga | |
M.N. Osipov, V.A. Bacalin, A.V. Markovskii. Information about the bryo- and lichenoflora of the Vodlozero National Park | |
N.V. Medvedev, S.V. Sazonov. Hydrophilous ornithofauna of the north-west Ladoga lake | |
V.A. Matiushkin, V.I. Sakovets. Changes induced in the biodiversity of paludified pine biocenoses by drainage | |
A.V. Markovskii, N.V. Omelchak, N.V. Babina, I.A. Baryshev. The floral data concerning the characteristic of spruce old growth forests | |
A.I. Maksimov, T.J.Hokkanen. Bryophyte biodiversity of old spruce forests in the North Karelia Biospheric Reserve, Finland | |
O.A. Makarova. Biodiversity the nature reserves of Murmanks region | |
V.A. Lebedev. Experience of making a complex description of a region's coverage by studies and ecological problems in a Data Base System | |
N.P. Larionova. Biodiversity of meadow phytocenoses on the Karelian side of the Finnish-Karelian border | |
G.F. Laidinen. Biodiversity of meadow phytocenoses on the islands of lakes Onega and Ladoga | |
O.L. Kuznetsov, A.I. Maksimov and T.A. Maksimova. Higher plant flora of mires in the Koivu-Lambasuo Wildlife area, Southern Karelia | |
O.L. Kuznetsov. The floristic classification of mire vegetation of Karelia | |
V.K. Kurets, S.N. Drozdov. Ecophysiological characteristics of plants as an element of biodiversity assessment at the intra- and interspecies levels | |
P.V. Krasilnikov, Starr M. Plant species diversity and soil cover structure in North European Forests
| |
A.V. Korosov, A.P. Kutenkov. The cases of dominance of rare species of rodents in Karelia | |
S.F. Komulaynen. A peculiarity of the periphyton taxonomy formation in some rivers of Northwestern Russia | |
M.V.Kashtanov. Flora of vascular plants of the Zaonezhskiy Peninsula | |
N.M.Kalinkina, L.I.Vlasova, A.R. Khasov. The decreasing of biodiversity in zooplankton communities of Karelian northern lakes on the influence of mineral pollution | |
N.V. Ilmast, O.P. Sterligova, V.Ya. Pervozvansky. Present condition of the ichthyofauna in some water bodies of the Ladoga lake basin | |
Iljinov A.A., Kharin V.N. Investigation of population structure of Picea X Fennica revel using multidimensional methods | |
Hokkanen T.J., Yakovlev E., Vuorio V., Arnold K., Salovaara K. & Tietфvфinen M. Fragmentation as a factor changing forest biodiversity | |
T.J. Hokkanen, L. Gruzdeva and E. Matveeva. Nematode fauna in different biotopes in finnish and Russian Karelia | |
T.J.Hokkanen, H. Hokkanen, P. Virkajarvi, R. Tuupanen & H. Huhta. Diversity of coleoptera in forest and semi-natural meadow as influenced by grazing of cows | |
E.P. Gnatiuk. Flora of vascular plants of middle Karelia: taxonomical and typological diversity | |
Germanova N.I., Fedorets N.G. Dynamics of soil microbe communities in the impact zone Kostomuksha pre-dressing mill | |
A.V.Freindling, A.R.Khazov, A.V.Ryabinkin. The comcept of a generalized database for assessment of the biodiversity of aquatic ecosystems | |
Evstratova L.P., Medvedeva M.V. Study of the biological activity of soils in potato cultivation | |
T.Y. Dyachkova. The age structure of protected plant cenopopulations: a criterion for assessment of their state | |
P.V. Druzhinin. Problems of the peripheral region (influence ecology on economy) | |
S.N. Drozdov, V.K. Kurets. Some aspects of the concept of forming the network of special protected nature territories in Karelia | |
Bondartseva M.A., Lositskaya V.M., Krutov V.I., Hokkanen T. Aphyllophoraceous fungi in coniferous stands of the North Karelian Biosphere Reserve as indicators of their state | |
I.A. Baryshev. Investigation of influence of technical area to Lososinca river | |
Sh. Baibusinov. Defining protected areas economically and ecologically | |
K. Arnold. The ecological significance of old growth forest fragments in the North Karelian Biosphere Reserve under a landscape ecological view
| |
V.K. Antipin. Structural levels of mire diversity in Karelia | |
Ananyev V., Zaitseva N. Dynamics of the ground vegetation in long-drained pine stands | |
M.A. Bondartseva, V.M. Lositskaya, I.V. Zmitrovich V.L. Aphyllophoraceous fungi in coniferous stands of the Kotavaara site in North Karelian Biosphere Reserve as indicators of their state | 10 |
Vetchinnikova Lidia V. To the problem of the diversity of curly birch forms | 35 |
Last modified: June 1, 2012